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Naoko Flower

Naoko Flower, by Val. Very cute pic of Naoko with a flower in her hair... as usual. 391x700, 124k.
Darkbolt Cheebls

Darkbolt Cheebls, by Mizzy. Get yours while supplies last! ^_^ 500x700, 48k.
Johji ala Courage

Johji ala Courage, by Mizzy. Johji dressed up as Courage the Cowardly Dog? Ummm... 350x314, 16k.
Chibi Heads

Darkbolt Chibi Heads, by Mizzy. Wheeeeee! 429x600, 149k.
Give Us Long-haired Yun

Give Us Long-haired Yun, by Mizzy. I didn't realize cutting off Yun's hair would be so upsetting... 527x600, 44k.
Chibi Birds

Chibi Birds, by Mizzy. Adorable!! It's so cute! 700x412, 36k.
Deco Death

Deco Death, by Mizzy. Very cool pic of Yun and a disembodied Demon of Death. 664x700, 60k.
Fushi, Angel of Life

Fushi, Angel of Life, by Reni Taylor. A great picture of a rather young-looking Fushi. Really nice, amazing coloring work! 375x450, 128k.
Montage 2

Montage 2, by Mizzy. Another great group pic by Mizzy! She needs her own gallery in here or something... 479x750, 176k.

Hate, by Reni Taylor. This picture rocks... I love it! 407x452, 104k.