Main Cast
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Naoko Yamino Naoko is at the top of her high school class in Tokyo. Extremely shy and quiet, she is nonetheless the object of many boys' affections. She prefers to spend her time alone, reading, and only has a few close friends. She is chosen by Dakuu to be the host of the Orb of Darkbolt, leader of the Demons. When using the Demon's powers, her personality changes dramatically: she is forceful, commanding, violent, and even outgoing, able to overcome her reservations and do things she normally could not do. She values her friends, and protection of the Orbs and Earth, more highly than anything else. | |
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Mariko Ikusa Mariko is Naoko's best friend, yet her polar opposite. She is a typical tomboy, and prefers sports and martial arts to the more feminine pursuits Naoko chooses. Somewhat impetuous, and certainly no genius, she is still strategic in her thinking, and an expert warrior. She is host to the Demon of War. | |
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Yun Shino Yun is arguably the most popular guy at school, heading many social circles and spending a lot of time volunteering at a temple in the nearby hills. His home life is difficult; he and his father have never gotten along, especially since the death of his older brother when he was a child. Yun tries to stay away from home, instead spending time with his closest friends, Mariko and Naoko. Intelligent and thoughtful, Yun is the most insightful of the group. A born leader, his charisma pales only in comparison to that of the Demon Darkbolt, so while he tends to make a lot of decisions, he ultimately defers to Naoko's decisions. Yun is the host of the Demon of Death, and bearer of the Sword of the Holy Knight. | |
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Ikkou Zenkai Ikkou is an average high school student who has long harbored a crush on Naoko. While not really her friend, he nonetheless gets caught up in the drama of the Demons due to her romantic pursuit. He is bonded to the Demon of Destruction by accident, and makes a habit of overusing the Demon's powers. Impetuous, short-tempered, and frustrated by many years of being bullied, Ikkou takes advantage of those powers until realizing how dangerous they are. Ultimately, he gives up the powers, but regrets it every day. | |
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Johji Murasaki A Time Elemental, Johji and his sister, Shiori, traveled to Earth along with the Crystal of Time in order to fulfil their preordained destiny: to revive the world after its destruction, and protect it from future devastation by separating Ikkou from the Demon of Destruction. Johji, a brooding loner, dislikes humans, and resents the immutable nature of his destiny. He is deeply protective and controlling of his sister, and downright rude to most other people. Initially, he pursues a relationship with Naoko simply to try and prove that his future can be changed, but ultimately gives in to destiny. While powerful in his own right, Johji does not know how to fight, and is unable to take full advantage of what he is capable of, which also frustrates him. Johji's Elemental name is Juuji. | |
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Shiori Murasaki Shiori is Johji's younger sister, also a Time Elemental. Unlike her brother, she embraces her life on Earth, and finds nothing in the universe more magical than the mundane nature of humanity. As a result of her "assignment" to keep an eye on Ikkou, she falls in love with him, which indirectly results in the loss of her powers. Now a human, she has an attitude almost the opposite of Ikkou's: she loves being powerless, and would not give up her humanity for anything. Shiori's Elemental name is Shichiji. | |
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Fushi Toriyama Fushi originally appears soon after the destruction of Earth, through a portal created by the Crystal of Time. This future version of Fushi is bonded to the Orb of Life, and comes from a future where he and Naoko are married. Eventually, he returns home to his own time, leaving Naoko remembering their shared feelings and longing for his return. A year later, the Fushi from the present returns, but obviously knows nothing of the Demons or Naoko's feelings. Eventually, he is united with the Angel of Life and assumes the armor of the Phoenix Samurai, as well as control of Chou, the Wing Blade. | |
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Chou An enigmatic phoenix-like being from the future, Chou exists as a paradox, only in the present because he was brought from the future, and is destined to repeat the endless cycle for eternity. The companion to Fushi and at one time Naoko, Chou has a number of abilities, including powerful healing, telepathy, and the ability to turn into the fiery Wing Blade. | |
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Dolands Once a fanatically loyal general of the evil Tenma clan, Dolands, with the help of Sensha, broke free of his Tenma brainwashing and now lives to fight the evils in the universe, to atone for all the atrocities he committed as a Tenma. An expert in unarmed combat, a fast learner and tactical genius, he has resumed his role of general in the new Tenma. All his efforts and battles, though, are overshadowed by deep guilt and sorrow for all the lives he ended, including those of his own world and the Time Elementals. | |
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Michiru Like many others, Michiru's planet was destroyed by the Tenma, primarily because of the resistance effort her brother was organizing. An accomplished shapeshifter, Michiru was taken in by Dakuu and trained in other powers, including lightning-based weapons and regeneration. Never loyal to Dakuu, Michiru plotted for years to assassinate him, until she was left on Earth to observe humans and assess the truth behind ancient warnings regarding humanity. When taken back into the fold of the new Tenma by Sensha, she was teamed with Dolands and Johji, and has since developed a romantic relationship with the Time Elemental. Her hatred of the Tenma runs deeper than most, and she secretly wishes to see the deceased Dakuu again just so she can kill him herself. | |
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Sensha Despite possessing Tenma powers, and being advisor to Queen Yasha for over 200 years, Sensha is purebred human. She was taken from Earth over 10,000 years ago, when the Angel of Life was sealed on Earth, and brought to the Tenma queen to fulfill a prophecy stating she would bring about great change for the clan. True to this prediction, she was instrumental in overthrowing Yasha and bringing about an end to the Tenma reign of the galaxy. Kind and gentle, and perhaps overly trusting, she now oversees the disbanding of Tenma forces and the freeing of previously occupied worlds. Her immortality lost with the defeat of Yasha, she knows her days are numbered, and hopes to do as much good as she can in the years she has left. | |
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Reii Toriyama The daughter of Naoko and Fushi, Reii is a mere year old when Requiem begins, but already possesses the physical and mental maturity of a 6-year-old. Born with a combination of the powers of the Demon of Darkness and the Angel of Life, Reii also has orange wings and a black tail. Being the offspring of genetic humans, the existence of her powers and her mysterious maturation process is an enigma even to Tenma scientists. Regardless, her powers seem to be growing quickly, and her mind has an almost unlimited capacity for memory and logic. It is currently unknown the extent of her abilities. |
The Demons
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Darkbolt Darkbolt, the Demon of Darkness, is the leader of the Demons. He feeds on fear and pain, and detests all lesser beings, even those he creates himself. Initially bonded to Naoko, Darkbolt wreaks havoc on Earth for only a short time before Naoko's will overpowers him and steals control of his powers. He now dwells in her soul, sometimes quietly but often not. His motives now are unclear; he seems to aide Naoko from time to time, without reason. However, as an unwilling source of power, he does not grant Naoko full access to all his abilities. | |
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War The bloody werewolf, the Demon of War revels in battle and bloodshed. Bonded to Mariko, the Demon is forced to give over his abilities to her. Swift and strong, War's powers stem from blades and blood. If he had his way, he would wade into every battle laughing in glee. | |
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Death The Demon of Death is the quietest of the Demons, prefering to take the souls of his victims in silence. Bonded to Yun, the Demon's spirit powers are controlled and directed in a calculated manner. From the beginning, the Demon of Death has been least resistant to human control, perhaps because in the many conflicts his host faces his powers are still able to claim the lives of many. | |
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Destruction The Demon of Destruction is, by his nature, the most destructive force in the universe. Capable of destroying an entire planet with a single attack, he is feared by all, even the Tenma. When first bonded to Ikkou, the Demon takes and retains control for some time. Even after Ikkou regains control, destroying the world in the process, the Demon's power flows readily. Eventually, the Orb is removed from Ikkou and sealed away safely, although the Demon does not go willingly, and vows to seek vengeance. | |
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Evil The spiderlike Demon of Evil is the only female Demon, and an expert at illusion and manipulating the minds of others. Long ago, she was willingly bound in her Orb to Yasha, queen of the Tenma, and the two share a symbiotic working relationship for many centuries, before both face the other Demons in combat. | |
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Chaos The Demon of Destruction may be the most destructive, but Chaos is by far the most dangerous of the Demons. Having betrayed Darkbolt long ago, Chaos is the only Demon sealed in an Orb by Darkbolt himself. Thought to be safely hidden away on the planet of the Time Elementals, the Orb of Chaos is nonetheless located by General Dolands of the Tenma, and brought to Earth in a Time Elemental host to seek revenge on the human Demon hosts for the death of his queen. Chaos' fate, though, is within an Orb, not free as it would like. |
The Miruku
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Sangray The first Miruku encountered outside the Miruku homeworld, Sangray was sent to the planet Gnaritas to recover the Orb Extractors, left behind by Dakuu. Although he was defeated by Dolands' team of investigators, Sangray succeeded in sending the Extractors on to Pantaloness. While he lived, Sangray demonstrated the typical Miruku traits of cockiness, brashness, and strategy. He alone was almost able to kill Dolands' team, but was ultimately overpowered and killed. However, he did reveal enough information to give the Tenma proper warning that the Miruku were coming to Earth. | |
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Pantaloness Pantaloness is the mysterious leader of the Miruku forces that have come to Earth. Seemingly a charismatic leader, Pantaloness commands respect and loyalty from the others. Not much else is yet known about this mysterious adversary aside from a deep hatred of the Tenma, and a desire to accomplish some "plan" on Earth. | |
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Zapato Zapato is Pantaloness' younger brother, but does not share the leader's ideals. Zapato is younger than all the other Miruku except for Estreya, but is also small for his age. Cautious and soft-spoken, Zapato is kind-hearted and feels badly for Rosalee, the Tenma enslaved by the Miruku for her teleportation abilities. Zapato was first seen in the future alongside Fushi, and now is trying to contact the Demon hosts without revealing himself to his brethren. | |
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Chaketta Chaketta was sent to Tenma Academy to locate the Demons and assess their powers, under the name "Cha-ko." However, she was soon discovered by Yun, thanks to her knowledge of Ikkou's former powers. Chaketta, like the other Miruku, is intelligent yet cocky, and doesn't take orders well. Deeply loyal to Pantaloness, it is not entirely clear what the nature of their relationship is. However, she would do anything for her leader and, in fact, for her own people. | |
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Gwantay Gwantay is arguably the most powerful and level-headed of the Miruku, with a lot more combat experience than the others. Upon the Miruku's arrival on Earth, he was tasked with acquiring as much "human power" as possible, to see if there was any limit to the amount a Miruku could take, and has so far found none. Both of his arms were destroyed long ago, forcing him to rely on mechanical prosthetics. The most honst of the Miruku, he has also revealed some of their motivations to Mariko. His driving goal is to see the Tenma pay for the complete destruction of the Miruku home planet. | |
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Kameesa Kameesa is short-tempered and houses an unnaturally strong resentment of Gwantay, as well as a more powerful hatred for the Tenma than any other Miruku. Considering Gwantay her rival, she has worked hard to surpass him in terms of power and strategy, but thus far has failed. Her loyalty seems secondary to her efforts to prove herself. Having lost to War, her feelings of inadequacy have only grown stronger. | |
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Estreya The youngest of the Miruku on Earth, Estreya is bubbly and cheerful, even toward her enemies. While she is clingy, often lecherous, and seemingly immature, she knows when to take things seriously. However, her lack of experience makes her less reliable and more impetuous than the other Miruku. She looks to Chaketta as a "big sister" figure. | |
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Korchone The largest of the Miruku group, Korchone is also the most laid-back, with a bad case of narcolepsy. He takes everything very slowly, either due to laziness or possibly a deep-seated analytical intellect. He is soft-spoken when necessary, but prefers silence to words, and waiting to action. | |
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Saleeda Saleeda is the bearer of a Tenma named Mado who, like the seer Shiya, is confined to existence with an object: in this case, a gauntlet. Saleeda uses Mado's seeing and healing powers to assist the Miruku, and otherwise tends to stay on the sidelines. Her long association with Mado has left Saleeda with a degenerated personality and a vacant stare, but her capabilities and value to the team are highly prized by Pantaloness. |
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Bumper Bumper is a young woman with an unusual power: to "bump" between dimensions. Greedy, impulsive and somewhat cowardly, she uses this power for nothing more than petty thievery. Her most recent dimension-bump has landed her a most coveted and dangerous prize: the Orb of Destruction, but its nature is a total mystery to her. |