Happy Summer, by Mizzy. Naoko and Mariko in appropriate summer attire. 504x650, 84k.
Mariko (and Yun), by Val. It's Mariko... and chibi-Yun. What more can I say? 499x520, 92k.
Show Him the Love, by Mizzy. Someone likes Yun a little too much... 309x650, 68k.
Yun and Death, by Mizzy. Third Yun pic, with Death's crowlike form entwined around him. I really like this one. 421x850, 160k.
Yun at the Temple, by Mizzy. Second Yun pic in pencil, with that poor little crow. My, how his wing is healing... 650x420, 148k.
Yun in his suit, by Mizzy. First in a set of three Yun pics, very nicely done in colored pencil. 250x700, 76k.
Dark Destruction, by Val Hochberg. Naoko and Destruction. Really nice style... I love her artwork. Another Ikkou fan is born. 544x630, 106k.
Evil Ikkou, by Val Hochberg. Great color pic of Ikkou/Destruction, in the dark days when Destruction ran free. 420x560, 98k.
The Cast of Darkbolt, by Noah Bench. A nice montage of a bunch of older pictures. 640x480, 56k.
Naoko, by Rejeeta. Naoko and the Demon Darkbolt. I like the pose in this one. 604x792, 36k.