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Defeated, by JEwell2581. I've been defeated. Do I try again? 576x720, 56k.
Chasing the Glowing Butterfly

Chasing the Glowing Butterfly, by Mizzy. A very cute SD Naoko chasing, well, a glowing butterfly. 414x491, 108k.
Naoko Collage

Naoko, a collage by JEwell2581. 600x750, 152k.
Darkbolt Pets

Darkbolt Pets, by JEwell2581. If the Demons were somewhat more mundane animals... you think Death tastes like chicken? 600x750, 208k.
Darkbolt & Love

Darkbolt & Love, by JEwell2581. Naoko/Darkbolt, and a human/Orb version of Love. 600x750, 136k.
Fashion Show

Fashion Show, by Mizzy. A collage of colored images of Shiori's fashion show performance, with some song lyrics too.
Be Cool

Be Cool, by Mizzy, colored by me. Katsu. Nuff said. 418x600, 132k.
So Hard

So Hard, by Mizzy. Yet another repurposed set of pics, from issue 269. 600x772, 136k.
My Little Darkbolt Pony

My Little Darkbolt Pony, by Mizzy. It's the Darkbolt characters as My Little Ponies!
Death's Anger

Death's Anger, by Mizzy. "Do you really want to test the powers of death?" 591x700, 60k.