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Have a Darkbolt Halloween

Have a Darkbolt Halloween, by Mizzy. Halloween 2009: Guess who is who! 1280x800, 729k.
Darkbolt: 500

Darkbolt: 500, by Mizzy. "Team Dolands" as a special 500th-issue celebratory image. 968x800, 772k.
Darkbolt Inzen

Darkbolt Inzen, by Mizzy. The main cast of Inzen, including Team Dolands training vigorously, on a T-shirt design by Mizzy. 800x800, 232k.
Friends or Foes?

Friends of Foes?, by Robert Ziefel. Chaketta and Gwantay... whose side are they on? 609x817, 92k.

Naoko, colored by Mizzy, penciled by me. This was the design sketch for Naoko's new outfit in Inzen, and Mizzy wanted to color it, so here it is! 500x797, 260k.
Darker Times

Darker Times, by Mizzy. What if the humans gave in to the Demons that possessed them? 1280x800, 972k.
Who Knows Where We'd Be

Who Knows Where We'd Be, if things were different. by Mizzy. 900x656, 376k.
Guilty Darkbolt Gear

Guilty Darkbolt Gear, by Mizzy. Mizzy took a bunch of sprites form Guilty Gear Isuka and made them into Darkbolt characters. It's really cool! Mariko vs. Yun, Fushi vs. Johji, Ikkou (Destruction) vs. Dakuu, and Naoko vs. Shiori. This one is really big: 2000x1500, 2.2MB.

Dakuu, by Choi Yugi. It's Dakuu, 'nuff said! 644x1000, 144k.
Naoko, Demon of Darkness

Naoko, Demon of Darkness, by Sarah N. Very nice pic of Naoko as/and Darkbolt. 793x1257, 220k.