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Fall Kimono

Fall Kimono. The girls all decked out for an autumn festival. 1024x768, 240k.
New Tenma

The New Tenma, the spearhead force leading the way before General Dolands and the Demon of Chaos. From left to right: Kuruma, Shuro, Sebiro, Brand, Panchi, and Kudai. 1024x768, 240k.
Two Sides (2)

Two Sides of the Same Coin (2); Naoko's concert performance, and the two different sides she shows to the world. This is the second of two versions.
Two Sides (1)

Two Sides of the Same Coin (1); Naoko's concert performance, and the two different sides she shows to the world. This is one of two versions.

Darkbolt: Summons; a pic of Mariko and her new outfit. I'm really not sure if Summons will ever get done at this point. Oh well...

Powerless; Ikkou and Shiori, the now-normal characters. I drew this one a long time ago, back in '03, and just got around to scanning it. Maybe I'll color it at some point.
Flying Furies

Flying Furies: Tetsuya vs. Ikkou, in all their rage. 600x783, 144k.
Darkbolt X-mas

Darkbolt Christmas 2003: Ikkou, Shiori, and Satsuo decorating the tree... 600x769, 160k.
Angel's Arrow

Angel's Arrow: Tetsuya Genji in his transformed state when he calls upon the power of the Angel of Love.
Future Yun

Future Yun, a sketch I did by request. I'm still not too sure I like his outfit... I want it to be bulkier. And his hair looks weird... oh well. 600x751, 88k.