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Requiem Title 3

Requiem Title 3. The third title pic for Requiem, sinc eI've gotten requests to put up other title pics and I think this one came out quite good. 1680x1050, 492k.
500 Future

500 Future. Mizzy coloredthis old flashback pic from the second story arc for the 500th issue, and I'm finally posting it! 707x900, 598k.

Dolands. Mizzy commented on the fact that I have no Dolands pictures in the gallery, so I made her this one! For a rush job, I think it came out alright. 1280x800, 344k.

Mrk! Chibi Chou! Isn't he cute?

Mariko = War. I usually do composite pics like this as separate images, and scan them in and put them on different layers in PhotoShop. I tried drawing this one as-is, and for once it came out alright.
I Saved the World

I Saved the World. A modified version of the pic below, with Fushi superimposed over a cracked Orb of chaos, along with song lyrics by The Eurythmics that seemed to fit Fushi quite well.
Fushi Star

Fushi Star. Fushi and the deadly Helio Star attack. I'm actually quite pleased with how this came out, as simple as it is, since it was originally intended to be the image above.