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Neil, Yowen and I went as the main characters from an obscure anime called KO Century Beast. The anime is kind of old (early 90's), and hardly anyone has ever heard of it, but Neil said for a long time that he wanted to make a Wan costume, so we finally decided to do it. I would have had feathers for my Bud costume, but we ran out of time.

Anyway, the idea of the show, if you don't know, is that the world is broken in half, and humans live on one half with high technology, and "beasts" (humans who can turn into were-animals) live in harmony with nature on the other half. The main characters Wan Dabada (of the tiger clan), Mei-Mah (of the mermaid clan), and Bud Mint (of the bird clan) end up together and in control of big robots. It's a great show.

So, Neil was Wan, and he did a terrific job, as usual. Yowen, aka Lauren Wolf, was was Mei-Mah. Listen for her as the voice of Naoko in the upcoming audio drama! I was Bud Mint, the "pretty boy" of the show who uses a lot of random English. "Oh, WONDERFUL!!" The costumes didn't get completely done, and we expect to have them perfected by Otakon. Neil is going to shrink his head a little, and I'm going to finish my accessories and add the bird look.

I know what you're saying, "SHOW US THE PICTURES!" OK, here they are...

KO Century Beast Beasts

Wan and Mei-Mah
Bud and Mei-Mah
Bud and Wan

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